UX Design

Talent Seed

Project details


Talent Seed x Gobelins


Lola Jolivet, Marion Fernandez, Karen Natasha, Irina Malmouche, Justine Galais


UX Design

Founded in 2022 by four passionate partners, Tanguy Lepage, Mayeul Le Guern, Olivier Carpentier and Esteban Blactot, Talent Seed is emerging as an innovative start-up specialized in recruitment. It is based at the incubator Station F.

Talent Seed asked us to carry out a UX study and a possible redesign of their interface, to optimize the user experience. We began by carrying out some secondary research and a UX audit of the existing website.

We conducted interviews and tests with some recruiters and candidates, and use Atomic Research to build a repository and transform our observations into insights and then recommendations.

We built experience maps and personas, based on our research and identified the problems that, from the users perspective, needed to be solved.

We then organized a co-conception workshop with Talent Seed founders and worked on prioritizing the issues founded during the research process.

After prioritizing features to be developed in our MVP, we started modifying the current user flows and building wireframes.

We then build a low-fi prototype with the changes we decided to implement, and tested it with some users, candidates and recruiters. With the results and observation of these tests, we moved on to the high fidelity prototype.

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